Report No. : GEO Report No. 110

Report Title : Investigation of Some Selected Landslides in 1998 (Volume 3) (2001), 183 p.

Author : Fugro Scott Wilson Joint Venture


This GEO Report consists of three Landslide Study Reports on the investigation of selected slope failures that occurred in 1998. The investigations were carried out by Fugro Scott Wilson Joint Venture (FSW) for the Geotechnical Engineering Office as part of the 1998 Landslide Investigation Consultancy.

Section 1 of the report presents the findings of a detailed study of a landslide (GEO Incident No. MW 98/6/9) which occurred on a cut slope above the access road to Sunny Villa at 218 Castle Peak Road, in the evening of 9 June 1998. During the landslide, about 200 m3 of soil and debris were released and deposited onto the access road at the slope toe. No fatalities and injuries were reported.

Section 2 of the report presents the findings of a detailed study of the landslide (GEO Incident No. K 98/6/13) that occurred on the morning of 9 June 1998, at the southwestern corner of Slope No. 11NE-A/C21, adjoining Fung Wong Service Reservoir, to the west of Shatin Pass Road. Debris from the landslide blocked the 3 m-wide access track between the toe of the slope and the edge of the reservoir, and some debris spilled over into the reservoir. There were no casualties as a result of the landslide.

Section 3 of the report presents the findings of a detailed study of the landslides (GEO Incident No. ME 98/6/36) that occurred within the L-shaped cut slope No. 11NE-B/C513 at Yue Sun Garden, Wo Mei, adjacent to Hiram's Highway near Sai Kung on 9 June 1998. Three landslide incidents occurred within the main southwest-facing slope of the feature and involved the failure of approximately 50 m of the slope. The resulting debris, estimated at a total volume of about 1,350 m3, inundated part of the garden nursery below, damaging a storage building, which is within a licensed area. No fatalities or injuries were reported following the landslide.

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