Report No. : GEO Report No. 156

Report Title : Detailed Study of the 22 May 2002 Rockfall Incident on Slope No. 11NE-A/C284 at Shatin Pass Road Tsz Wan Shan (2005), 48 p.

Author : Halcrow China Limited


This report presents the findings of a detailed study of a rockfall incident (GEO Incident No. 2002/05/0030) which occurred on the evening of 22 May 2002 on a rock cut slope at Shatin Pass Road, Tsz Wan Shan, Kowloon. The incident involved the detachment of rock blocks from a height of 7 m to 8 m above the slope toe at the eastern end of the subject slope. The rockfall was about 7 m3 in volume, and the rockfall debris was deposited onto Shatin Pass Road resulting in complete blockage of the road. No casualties were reported as a result of the incident.

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