Report No. : GEO Report No. 54

Report Title : Hong Kong Rainfall and Landslides in 1994 (1996), 161 p. plus 1drg.

Author : W.L. Chan


This report presents a review of the rainfall and landslides in Hong Kong in 1994 and provides details of the notable landslides. Rainfall in 1994 was 233% higher than the Hong Kong annual average. The intense rainstorms in July and August brought most of the rainfall. Four Landslip Warnings were issued in 1994, during the heavy rainstorms of 20 June, 22 to 26 June, 6 to 7 August and 16 to 17 August. There were 436 landslides incidents reported to the GEO during the year. Six fatalities and 21 injuries occurred due to three of these landslides and the damages resulting from these incidents are: 156 squatter huts were evacuated (39 temporarily and 117 permanently), four buildings, 24 houses and 51 flats were temporarily evacuated, and 225 sections of road, pedestrian pavement and access were blocked. The large number of landslides in 1994 can be directly related to the high rainfall in July and August. Slightly less than half of the landslides were judged to be related to poor slope maintenance.

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