Report No. : GEO Report No. 23

Report Title : Effect of the Coarse Fractions on the Shear Strength of Colluvium (1993), 109 p. plus 2 drgs. (Reprinted, 1995)

Author : T.Y. Irfan & K.Y. Tang


This report presents the results of a study carried out to quantify the effects of coarse particles of cobles and boulders on the shear strength of colluviums in Hong Kong. The study arose from the need to investigate more accurate ways of assessing mass shear strengths in slope stability analyses for heterogeneous soils, including colluvial deposits and the corestone-bearing saprolite zones of the weathering profile.

The study comprised a review of selective published data from similar studies, field studies, and back analyses of some stable and failed cut slopes in colluviums, laboratory triaxial and direct shear tests and the establishment and analysis of an appropriate theoretical slope model.

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