Report No. : GEO Report No. 5

Report Title : (Hong Kong) Rainfall and Landslides in 1988 (1991), 64 p. plus 1 drg. (Reprinted, 1995)

Author : J. Premchitt


This report presents a general review of rainfall and landslides in 1988, and provides details of the notable landslides. In summary, rainfall amounts for various durations during 1988 can be considered normal; there were no exceptionally heavy and intense rainstorms. Over the whole year, 157 landslides and related incidents were reported to the GCO District Divisions and the damages resulting from these incidents are: one person injured, 132 huts evacuated, four buildings partially closed, 39 sections of road and access closed. Most of these damages occurred during or shortly after rainstorms. The most intense and damaging storm occurred on 19-20th July, when 41 incidents occurred. A Landslip Warning was issued on this occasion. There was no other Landslip Warning and there were less than six incidents on any one day for the rest of the year.

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1 Contents, Tables, Figures, Plates, Appendix (5,319KB)
2 Drawing No. GCSP 8/5 (530KB)