Hong Kong is one of the busiest ports in the world. For safe and efficient port operations, regular maintenance of the port facilities is particularly important. The Port Works Division plays a very important role in the upkeep of the port of Hong Kong. It serves as the maintenance authority for civil engineering marine works and provides maintenance services to franchised and licensed ferry piers, public and government marine facilities as well as maintenance dredging of the harbour and unlined tidal sections of some major river channels.
For more information about our maintenance of pier, please contact SE/M2 (2762 5484 or pymak@cedd.gov.hk). For maintenance of seawall and maintenance dredging, please contact SE/M1 (2762 5068 or 2915 2618 or clivecklee@cedd.gov.hk). For other district matters, please contact SE/D (2762 5553 or rwmyuen@cedd.gov.hk).